$10-What can we do with $10.
$10 will feed the Fleming Family for a whole day.
$10 will give us enough petrol to drive to EV Church-TWICE
$10 will pay our cooking gas bill for a whole week.
$10 will pay our internet bill for a whole week.
Your $10 donation can help us stay here so that we can see the Borana People come to know Jesus as their Savior. Can't you join our Financial Support Team and commit to sending us $10, $15 or $20 every month. Invest in the eternity of the Borana People.
To donate by check or PayPal, please go to the following web site.
Answers to Prayer:
1) After having to take care of several unforeseen details, all of our documents are in at the US Embassy and we are just waiting for them to process our fingerprints through the FBI. This should take about 5 weeks.
2) We had a Fantastic 3-day VBS at Evangelical Victory Church.
3) Abbey got her driving license.
We had a nice Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Our babies love making Christmas cookies.

Prayer Requests:
1) Borana Prayer Team-We are still trying to increase our prayer support. We have set a goal of 1000 prayer partners. We are now at 341. Please ask for God to increase our prayer support and ask your friends if they would like to pray for our ministry. We faced many difficult challenges when we lived up north. Satan does not want us to be able to live there and work among the Borana. Our prayer support base is a VITAL part of our ministry.
2) Chronological Bible Storying Conference-We are in the process of planning a Chronological Bible Storying Conference for Evangelical Victory Church. Pray for the conference and the planning of it to go well.
3) Salvation-Please continue to pray for the salvation of the children who attended the VBS in December. 200+ children responded positively to the invitation and we need to follow up with these kids to determine which ones are really ready to make this important decision.
4) Adoption-Please continue to pray for our adoption. We anticipate the Embassy approving our I-600 before the end of February. Pray that it will be approved. If it is approved, we should be able to schedule a court date for our case to be heard by the Kenya Government.
5) Housing-We have been house sitting for a friend who is in the USA on furlough. He will return in the middle of March. We need to find a new place to live and be able to pay the rent. We also need to buy some furniture.
6) Vehicle-We have just returned the car we have been borrowing. So we now need to acquire a vehicle. We are excited about our work with Evangelical Victory Church in Huruma, but it is a 45 minute drive for us to get there. If we take public transportation we will easily spend 2 hours getting there, in other words, 4 hours round trip. It will be a much more efficient use of our time if we have our own vehicle and can travel there directly.
After a busy holiday season we are going to continue our series on living in Kenya.
This week's feature is the cost of living in Kenya. Some things in Kenya are much cheaper than the US and others are much more expensive than the US.
Avocados-$0.07 each
Pineapples-$1.27 each
Roma Tomatoes-$0.07 each
Bananas-$0.07 each
Hamburger Meat-$2.33 per pound (but we buy things by the kilo here, not the pound)
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast- $4.10 per pound
32 oz Jar of Mayonnaise-$4.53
16 oz Jar of Pickles-$4.27
Minced Pork (for sausage)-$4.69 per pound
Store Bought Milk-$3.86 per gallon
Gasoline-Currently $3.34 per gallon. During the last oil crisis it reached $4.59 per gallon. The current cost of gasoline is very close to what it has been for most of the time we have been in Kenya.
Cheap Hotel-A very simple hotel room with a 3/4 size bed (half way between double and twin) can be as low as $1.30 per person. These are mainly "up-country" NOT around Nairobi. Of course you can find the very expensive, "Hilton" kind of hotels here also.
Electric-Our average bill is $125. This is for only the very basic appliances, TV, Computer, Microwave, Refrigerator and Washing Machine. All of our lights are florescent energy saving bulbs. We have NO clothes dryer, electric kettles, air conditioning, hot water heater, freezer or any other high electric using appliances. And yet our electric bill is still that high.
Cooking Gas-Our gas is propane and we buy it in refillable bottles, much like you do for portable outdoor grills in the USA, except the ones we buy are larger since we use them to cook every day. Our gas bill averages $35.00
Water-Our water use is for washing dishes, clothes and bathing. Averages $56 per month.
Internet-$38.96 per month, unlimited, but very slow, 115.2 kbps. At least that is the speed it is listed at, but I believe it is much slower than that.
May the Lord bless you and keep you until we meet again.
The Fleming Family
THANK YOU for your continued PRAYERS and SUPPORTAlan, Leah, Abbey, Connor and Ross Fleming
To DONATE to our ministry with the Borana People go herehttp://www.byhisgrace.cc/flemingfamily/donations.html
NEW BLOG FOR OUR PRAYER REQUESTShttp://www.byhisgrace.cc/flemingfamily/prayer.html
To FIND OUT more about us and our Ministry to the Borana People go herehttp://www.byhisgrace.cc/flemingfamily/
$10 will feed the Fleming Family for a whole day.
$10 will give us enough petrol to drive to EV Church-TWICE
$10 will pay our cooking gas bill for a whole week.
$10 will pay our internet bill for a whole week.
Your $10 donation can help us stay here so that we can see the Borana People come to know Jesus as their Savior. Can't you join our Financial Support Team and commit to sending us $10, $15 or $20 every month. Invest in the eternity of the Borana People.
To donate by check or PayPal, please go to the following web site.
Answers to Prayer:
1) After having to take care of several unforeseen details, all of our documents are in at the US Embassy and we are just waiting for them to process our fingerprints through the FBI. This should take about 5 weeks.
2) We had a Fantastic 3-day VBS at Evangelical Victory Church.
3) Abbey got her driving license.
We had a nice Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Our babies love making Christmas cookies.
Prayer Requests:
1) Borana Prayer Team-We are still trying to increase our prayer support. We have set a goal of 1000 prayer partners. We are now at 341. Please ask for God to increase our prayer support and ask your friends if they would like to pray for our ministry. We faced many difficult challenges when we lived up north. Satan does not want us to be able to live there and work among the Borana. Our prayer support base is a VITAL part of our ministry.
2) Chronological Bible Storying Conference-We are in the process of planning a Chronological Bible Storying Conference for Evangelical Victory Church. Pray for the conference and the planning of it to go well.
3) Salvation-Please continue to pray for the salvation of the children who attended the VBS in December. 200+ children responded positively to the invitation and we need to follow up with these kids to determine which ones are really ready to make this important decision.
4) Adoption-Please continue to pray for our adoption. We anticipate the Embassy approving our I-600 before the end of February. Pray that it will be approved. If it is approved, we should be able to schedule a court date for our case to be heard by the Kenya Government.
5) Housing-We have been house sitting for a friend who is in the USA on furlough. He will return in the middle of March. We need to find a new place to live and be able to pay the rent. We also need to buy some furniture.
6) Vehicle-We have just returned the car we have been borrowing. So we now need to acquire a vehicle. We are excited about our work with Evangelical Victory Church in Huruma, but it is a 45 minute drive for us to get there. If we take public transportation we will easily spend 2 hours getting there, in other words, 4 hours round trip. It will be a much more efficient use of our time if we have our own vehicle and can travel there directly.
After a busy holiday season we are going to continue our series on living in Kenya.
This week's feature is the cost of living in Kenya. Some things in Kenya are much cheaper than the US and others are much more expensive than the US.
Avocados-$0.07 each
Pineapples-$1.27 each
Roma Tomatoes-$0.07 each
Bananas-$0.07 each
Hamburger Meat-$2.33 per pound (but we buy things by the kilo here, not the pound)
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast- $4.10 per pound
32 oz Jar of Mayonnaise-$4.53
16 oz Jar of Pickles-$4.27
Minced Pork (for sausage)-$4.69 per pound
Store Bought Milk-$3.86 per gallon
Gasoline-Currently $3.34 per gallon. During the last oil crisis it reached $4.59 per gallon. The current cost of gasoline is very close to what it has been for most of the time we have been in Kenya.
Cheap Hotel-A very simple hotel room with a 3/4 size bed (half way between double and twin) can be as low as $1.30 per person. These are mainly "up-country" NOT around Nairobi. Of course you can find the very expensive, "Hilton" kind of hotels here also.
Electric-Our average bill is $125. This is for only the very basic appliances, TV, Computer, Microwave, Refrigerator and Washing Machine. All of our lights are florescent energy saving bulbs. We have NO clothes dryer, electric kettles, air conditioning, hot water heater, freezer or any other high electric using appliances. And yet our electric bill is still that high.
Cooking Gas-Our gas is propane and we buy it in refillable bottles, much like you do for portable outdoor grills in the USA, except the ones we buy are larger since we use them to cook every day. Our gas bill averages $35.00
Water-Our water use is for washing dishes, clothes and bathing. Averages $56 per month.
Internet-$38.96 per month, unlimited, but very slow, 115.2 kbps. At least that is the speed it is listed at, but I believe it is much slower than that.
May the Lord bless you and keep you until we meet again.
The Fleming Family
THANK YOU for your continued PRAYERS and SUPPORTAlan, Leah, Abbey, Connor and Ross Fleming
To DONATE to our ministry with the Borana People go herehttp://www.byhisgrace.cc/flemingfamily/donations.html
NEW BLOG FOR OUR PRAYER REQUESTShttp://www.byhisgrace.cc/flemingfamily/prayer.html
To FIND OUT more about us and our Ministry to the Borana People go herehttp://www.byhisgrace.cc/flemingfamily/
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